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Just read the few requirements needed before you apply for this game and then follow the simple instructions after listing the requirements!

1. Your game must be based on "Survivor!"
2. You must add a link on your site that will come back to Chrizmo. Please use the banner found below if possible.
3. You must completely fill out the information below.


First Name:
Last Name:
Game Name:
Website URL:
Game Status:      Please chose from the following options:
Completed | In Progress | Aceepting Applications | Revealing Episodes

If, after 2 months, you've finished your game that was orginally "In Progress" or "Accepting Applicatons" please e-mail me to tell me that it has been "Completed" or that it is now "In Progress" so I can change it. Your site will not be added until you've provided a linke back to Chrizmo.

After adding your site, and providing a link back to "Chrizmo," please use this banner/picture and place it somewhere on your website if you want. It just provides a stronger base when everyone has the same "logo/link." Don't forget to link the banner back to Chrizmo.